2024 Swim Meet and Event Schedule

Sat. 5/4/24
Pool Clean-up DayRolling Hills Pool
Sat. 6/8/24
Intersquad MeetRolling Hills PoolRed vs. Blue
Sat. 6/8/24
Intersquad After PartyNewcastle Beach Park
Tu. 6/18/24Seattle Tennis Club (A/B Meet)Seattle Tennis Club
922 McGilvra Blvd E.
Seattle, WA 98112
Th. 6/20/24
Team Pictures and Pancake BreakfastRolling Hills Pool
Tu. 6/25/24Kingsgate Gators (B Meet)Rolling Hills PoolCountry / Western Night
Th. 6/27/24Kingsgate Gators (A Meet)Kingsgate V Pool
14241 128th Ave NE,
Kirkland, WA 98034
Sat. 6/29/24Distance MeetRolling Hills Pool
Tu. 7/2/24Tam O’Shanter (A/B Meet)Tam O’Shanter
1313 183rd Ave NE,
Bellevue, WA 98008
Tu. 7/9/24Kingsgate Royals (B Meet)Kingsgate
11711 NE 137th Street Kirkland WA 98034
Th. 7/11/24Kingsgate Royals (A Meet)Rolling Hills PoolBeach Night
Fri. 7/12/24
Rolling Hills Pool PartyRolling Hills Pool
Tu. 7/16/24Overlake Golf and Country Club
(A Meet)
8000 NE 16th St.
Medina,WA 98039
Th. 7/18/24Overlake Golf and Country Club
(B Meet)
Rolling Hills PoolCharacter Night (Senior Night)
Sat. 7/20/24Division (B) ChampsRolling Hills PoolRed Out (Wear Red)
Sun. 7/28/24League (A) ChampsKCAC
Thurs. 8/1/24, 6pmAwards CelebrationRolling Hills Pool